My Photo

Corporate Exposure

  • Simon_006
    This is quite a large album of recent corporate photographs, really just to give a sense of the range of styles and settings that can arise. What works for an investment bank probably won't convey what an independent record company is all about. Likewise, an international marketing division will have a different sense of identity from a Czech classical concert promoter. Budgets differ; intended usage varies. I hope this selection broadens the scope of how 'corporate' photography is imagined to be, and inspires you to find the ideal style to suit your own enterprise.


  • Uxl_6x6_3_12120010

Cesky Krumlov

  • Ivy clad passageway
    Here's the first album I wanted to share, and I can think of no better way to start than Cesky Krumlov. So near the Austrian and German borders that most of the town names here seem to emphasise the 'Cesky' bit, this town is a jewel of South Bohemia. It was described to me as Prague in miniature, but I found Venice, Florence and much more crammed into this wonderful place. It defies description, and so photographs come into their own. I had planned to take just the digital, or even just a compact, but at the last moment I thought 'sod it, let's go the other way - I should have some fun with the Hasselblad'. I was so glad I did. The world looks different through a waist level finder....

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Friends Who Do Stuff

  • Jem's Home Education Blog
    This is Jem's blog about his life and family, but with a focus on the experience of home educating. Do not adjust your screen; facepainting abounds.
  • Light of Spirit - Becky Walsh
    Becky is psychic. Which is nice. Her experience is a long as it is wide, and she now gives psychic development courses, which come highly recommended.
  • Chris and Laura - The Tintagel Arms
    Honest to God, if you like live music and utter insanity (Christmas in July springs to mind) this is the best pub you will ever find. It's... the real deal. Go to Tintagel. Have a drink. You know it makes sense.
  • Angelic Creations - Renee Montmayor
    Renee is a spiritual coach and international actress, of great repute. She even has a gift shop.
  • Nicolya
    Nicolya is bringing together all her creative, intuitive, spiritual and counseling skills to make groundbreaking moves in coaching and personal development
  • Steve Harley
    Steve's got a bunch of gigs in Europe this year, and an appearance in a Beckett play or two at the Arts Theatre in July - come up and see him, make him smile.... ;-)
  • Hugh Cornwell
    Hugh is out there with a kick arse band as well as the acoustic songs. If you want to feel the blood pump like it used to, get out there and see him.
  • UXL
    Looks, talent and youth. But enough about me; UXL have plenty going for them too. Classic rock.
  • Sure
    Damon and Tommy's band Sure - you can check out my 'featured guest drumming'!
  • St. Anthony's Child
    The best function band in the known universe. Really.
  • Hedgewitche's Kitchen
    The two Rebeccas, making truly magical soaps and potions
  • Treadwell's
    The Oxbridge of the occult world, and one of the most interesting bookshops in London
  • Nadia
    Nadia practices EFT and Craniosacral Therapy, a powerful healing combination. I can't summarise it here - better to read her site!
  • Mark Fraser
    Apart from a staggering knowlege of opera, Mark also happens to be something of a genius with designing useful software
  • Rob Sawkins
    Rob's a great graphic designer, also jetting between Czechia and Britain. His is the passion that dare not spell its name: typography. Best not mention Helvetica.
  • The Urban Buddha
    My brother Paul's a photographer in his own right - and we're not bad as a team, either. Here's his site.
  • Rebel Angel
    Janelle runs the best crystal shop and courses that I know of, and her online shop is, at last, online!